
Here are the decisions that Adaptix offers in the Campaign Builder:

Decision Description
Device visit Set the options to track whether your Contact visits your page/s from a specific device type, brand, or operating system.
Downloads asset Set the options to track whether your Contact downloads specified asset/s.
Request dynamic content Set options to push Campaign-based Dynamic Content if you have a webpage or Landing Page where you want to add Dynamic Content.
Submits form Set options to track whether the Contact has submitted any Adaptix Forms. You can also limit this decision to track specific Forms.
Visits a page Specify one or multiple Pages you want the Contact to visit. Can be Adaptix Landing Pages or pages on your website.

Some decisions in the Campaign Builder are available for use only if you select the Send Email Campaign action.

Here are the decisions that are Email-related:

Decision Description
Opens email Tracks whether the Contact opens the Email.
Clicks email Tracks whether the Contact clicks a link within the sent Email. This infers that the email has been opened.
Replies to email Tracks if a Contact has replied to an Email that you sent. 

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